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Hey, there!
Is this you?
Your toddler is pulling on your pant leg, baby on your hip crying, dog is barking, the sink is full of dishes, you feel exhausted, touched out, and overwhelmed. Every day is groundhog day.
"Do all moms feel this way?...Why do I feel guilty for feeling like this is so hard?...other people make it look so easy...I thought motherhood would look and feel there something wrong with me? I love my kids, but in all the chaos I don't know who I am anymore..."
Or maybe this is you:
Running between athletic practices and the next after school activity...the kids aren't home as much anymore, the future is looming, maybe you're even on the brink of being an empty-nester...The attitudes, the closed doors, the disconnect...
"What are parenting and life supposed to look like now? My kids don't seem to need me anymore... What next? Who am I now?"
I'm Erika. I'm a licensed professional counselor passionate about empowering women just like you because I know what it's like to feel burnt out, over it, and ready to hide in the closet just to catch a break, while still loving your kids more than you thought was humanly possible.
I primarily work with women navigating parenthood; I also work with women experiencing anxiety, depression, and life transitions, stress, and adjustment.
Parenting and life are hard enough, you don't have to struggle through it alone. Through counseling, we'll work together and find practical and personalized solutions. You'll gain support, validation, feel empowered to care for yourself and set bad-ass boundaries, examine dynamics and goals, and explore and define your identity as a whole self-not just as a mom.
Frazzled moms unite!
Stressed out women, assemble!
It takes a village, so let's make one together.
I can't wait to work with you.
Erika, MA LPC
Offering virtual appointments
to both Colorado and Alaska residents.
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